Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Life at Oak Hall from an Ambassador's Point of View

by Emma Melton

College is so exciting - a new start in what seems like a world of opportunity; yet, it can be very scary for any incoming freshman. What's a better way to get involved your first few years of college than by living on campus?! Themed living communities, helpful staff, and many events throughout the year not only make living in Oak Hall fun, but also a very rewarding experience. Specifically, living 
on campus as a freshman allows one to get to know other classmates, which makes the transition into college much easier and a lot more fun. According to a recent study conducted by the ISU Residential Housing Department, freshmen who lived on campus during the first year of college at Iowa State had a higher graduation rate compared with those who did not. This shows that living on campus your first year is beneficial because students feel connected to the university, becoming more engaged academically and personally. Read more to find out why living in Oak Hall truly is the “Suite Life.”

Getting Connected at Oak

Living in Oak Hall comes with many amenities, but the event programming hosted by several organizations and teams may be the sweetest benefit for everyone. From late night bingo to a hypnotist performance, there are events for everyone to find enjoyment in. While Oak Hall hosts so many events to take students’ mind off their busy schedules, there are also several programs that promote students’ success and involvement. Living on campus is so much more than just a quicker way to class; it’s a way for one to get involved and meet all kinds of new people, all while having fun!

What UMSL Ambassadors are Saying

“As a transfer sophomore student, choosing to live on 
campus - specifically in Oak Hall - was the greatest choice for me. It makes the transition to a new college easier because you have the chance to meet so many people. Living in Oak opens students to many opportunities. 
For me, I was introduced to the UMSL Ambassador program when I discovered flyers and brochures that stated, ‘We want you to be an Ambassador” at the Oak front desk and lobby area. If I had not seen the flyers, I may have not pursued being an Ambassador for the university and in turn, this blog would not exist. My journey so far at UMSL wouldn’t be as enjoyable if I had not chosen to live in Oak Hall.” 

–Emma Melton

"I’ve lived in Oak for the majority of my college

experience. I discovered UMSL Ambassadors 3 years ago through flyers and brochures, but one of the reasons for joining was a fellow ambassador and friend encouraged me to join the program since I could see that she enjoyed it so much. I wanted to be involved, and Ambassadors was the first step for the many things that followed." 

-Awa Konte

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