Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

by Sajah Alkharabsheh

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Although not everybody celebrates the traditional Thanksgiving, it’s always good to remember to be thankful for what we have. I myself am very thankful. Being able to grow so much as a person and a student this year has been a wonderful achievement.

This week is also the beginning of a break that many students long for across the nation. After months of hard work, it's wonderful when we get to lay back and relax (or at least not worry about school every minute). Some students are going out of town while others are working or even binge watching Friends. Other students might also be studying ahead of time for finals.  

This is a great time of year for family and friends to gather. The time when everyone sits around a big table with the most scrumptious food that leaves us in a state commonly known as a "food coma". For this one week in November, our families will reunite to spend a day together whilst also being thankful for everything we have in life. After dinner, we all sit around reminiscing on old memories and making plans for the future. 
Be sure to stay safe over this coming week because many people love and care about you. Enjoy your time with your loved ones and have a Happy Thanksgiving!


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